Artem Yegorov - Breath of Joy [Epic Music - Beautiful Uplifting Orchestral]

2016-11-26 108

Washington Post: ' is controlled by Russia'. Really? We thought, it's the ALIENS! We had to interrupt our top-secret high-level meeting with Vladamir Putin to bring you this breaking story: According to the Washington Post, is working for the Russians to overthrow America's journalism with Russian propaganda. Read the astonishing accusation via The Gateway Pundit, All News Pipeline or the Washington Times. Even more astonishing, according to the Washington Post, and a handful of other Russian-influenced websites overpowered the entire national media in this last election, achieving a position of total media dominance required to overrun the "truth" reported by the NYT, WashPost and CNN in order to hand the election to Donald Trump. Yes, this is the new desperate theory from the dying "lamestream media" that has lost all credibility (and most of its readers). We, Abovetopsecret, CoastToCoastAM, Matt Drudge, ZeroHedge and a few dozen other people now control all information in America, you're being told, and we're all working for the Russians to spread completely false lies about Hillary Clinton (because she's actually a really, really nice person in excellence health, didn't you know?). This might be a good opportunity to point out that the Washington Post had to surrender a Pulitzer Prize awarded to its celebrated reporter named Janet Cooke because she completely fabricated an award-winning story about a young heroin addict. As explained at, another news site the WashPost accuses of being "fake": In a meticulous 2016 account of Cooke's story, Mike Sager at the Columbia Journalism Review dubbed her "the fabulist who changed journalism," and made a compelling case for her 1980 story about "Jimmy's World" as one of the first examples of "viral" journalism. The Post wanted a superstar young black female journalist, and Cooke delivered with a searing story about an 8-year-old heroin addict in Washington, D.C. named Jimmy, a "precious little boy" who had "needle marks freckling the baby-smooth skin of his thin, brown arms." The story was so widely repeated, so influential, that Mayor Marion Barry's administration began scouring the city to rescue Jimmy from his hideous guardians. They couldn't find the boy because he didn't exist. Cooke made the whole thing up. (When city officials asked Cooke to tell them where they could find Jimmy, she refused, and the Washington Post invoked her First Amendment right to protect her sources.) The hoax was exposed when the Pulitzer board bent its rules to nudge Cooke's local-news story into the national-news category, eager to bestow the very first Pulitzer Prize upon an African-American woman. Cooke submitted a resume to the Pulitzer board which included suspicious discrepancies from the resume she gave to her former employers at the Toledo Blade. When her Washington Post editors questioned her about these discrepancies, she finally confessed, "There is no Jimmy and no family. It was a fabrication. I want to give the prize back." Maybe the Washington Post will now win a replacement Pulitzer Prize for its phenomenal fabrication of this story on how "the Russians" are running! Can we please attend the ceremony? Because I'd sure like to share a word of thanks from Vladamir Putin, my inside source on most of our breaking stories. The upshot is that almost no one believes anything the Washington Post prints anymore, and it's stories like these that drive home the obvious fact that the Washington Post has no credibility on any subject at all. (Seriously, the Washington Post has become the National Enquirer, and the National Enquirer has become what used to be the Washington Post...) As Zero Hedge reports: The desperate flailing of a mainstream-media struggling through the five stages of grief continues as no lesser unbiased foundation of the fourth estate than The Washington Post pushes ahead with its "fake news, blame the Russians" narrative for why their candidate failed so miserably. Citing "two teams of independent researchers" (who surely have a substantial libel litigation provision) who found "Russia's increasingly sophisticated propaganda machinery... echoed and amplified right-wing sites across the Internet as they portrayed Clinton as a criminal," the Jeff Bezos-owned website names Drudge, Zero Hedge, and The Ron Paul Institute and countless other outlets among the "useful idiots" that true American patriots should be wary of. The Washington Post goes on to laughably claim that pro-America websites that fought to publish the truth about Hillary Clinton's long history of criminal activity were part of an "online echo chamber" functioning as "part of the [Russian] propaganda campaign."